Microsoft-Windows-Server-2022-Part-5_(Configure iSCSI Target & Initiator)

  1. iSCSI stands Internet Small Computer System Interface.
  2. iSCSI is a storage networking protocol that makes it possible to transmit SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) over TCP/IP networks.
  3. iSCSI enables the use of block-level storage over Ethernet networks, allowing a server to access storage devices as if they were locally attached, even if the storage devices are physically located in a different location.
  4. IBM is credited with originating the concept of iSCSI in 1998.
  5. The initial version of the protocol was proposed to the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) in 2000.
iSCSI works with the client-server model:-
iSCSI target: To enable access to the storage resources, iSCSI requires a server setup that includes one or more NICs (network interface cards), HBAs (host bus adapters), or iSOEs (iSCSI offload engines). These components work together to create the necessary connection between the server and the storage resources.

iSCSI initiator: This is the client tool that makes it possible to send and receive the packets from the iSCSI target.

Install iSCSI Target on Windows Server 2022:-
  1. GUI
  2. PowerShell

Install of  iSCSI Target:-
Method-1 Install iSCSI Target via GUI
Step-1) To install the iSCSI Target on Windows Server 2022 using GUI, launch the server manager and click Add roles and features

Step-2) In the Add Roles and Features Wizard box, click Next.

Step-3) On the Select installation type page, verify that you choose Role-Based or feature-based installation then click Next. 

Step-4) Now select desired server you’d like to install iSCSI Target Server.

Step-5) In the Server Roles tab, select the iSCSI Target then, Add Features button.

Step-6) Once the installation is complete, close and proceed to the configuration.

Method-2 Install iSCSI Target via PowerShell

Step-1) You can also install the iSCSI Target on your Windows Server 2022 using PowerShell. First, launch PowerShell with admin privileges then run the below command:

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Install-WindowsFeature FS-iSCSITarget-Server -IncludeManagementTools

Configuration of  iSCSI Target:-

Method 1:) Configure iSCSI Target on Windows Server 2022 using GUI.

Step-1) On the server manager, click File and Storage Services. On the left pane, click on Tasks and select New iSCSI Virtual Disk.

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