Create Server 2012 Instances & Connect


Step-1) First of all login with "AWS_Account".

Go to Service -- All Service -- View All Service -- EC2 -- Click on the Instances -- Launch Instances.

Step-2) In Launch an instance Option you will see 
  1. Name and tags
  2. Application and OS images (Amazon Machine Image)
  3. Instance type
  4. Key pair (login)
  5. Network settings
  6. Configure Storage

Amazon EC2 allows you to create virtual machines, or instances, that run on the AWS Cloud.

An AMI is a template that contains the software configuration (operating system, application server, and applications) required to launch your instance.

Select an instance type that meets your computing, memory, networking, or storage needs.

You can use a key pair to securely connect to your instance. Ensure that you have access to the selected key pair before you launch the instance.

Click on the "Create New Key Pair" option & give the name of key select ".pem" option & click on create key pair option.

In Network Setting option you will Select Allow RDP traffic from Anywhere. Select Allow HTTPS traffic from the internet.
Select Allow HTTP traffic from the internet.

Specify the storage options for the instance.

Note:- Free tier: In your first year includes 750 hours of t2.micro (or t3.micro in the Regions in which t2.micro is unavailable) instance usage on free tier AMIs per month, 30 GiB of EBS storage, 2 million IOs, 1 GB of snapshots, and 100 GB of bandwidth to the internet.

"If you can create more than one instance at a one time with same configuration that time you can increase the number of instances under summary option."

Now click on launch instances.

Click on the "Instances" & Select "Connect" option.

Under the "RDP_Client" option select the "Download remote desktop file". 

Under the "RDP_Client" option select the "Get Password" & upload the key & copy it.

Now open "Download Desktop remote file & click on connect option".

Give the password.

Click on "Yes" Option.

Thanks & Regards
Abhishek Pathak

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