Encryption​ and ​ Decryption​

  1. Cryptography means "the art of protecting data". That is to protect your data or information.​
  2. We convert our data or information into unreadable secrets codes which we call cipher text and only those who have the secret key can read it by decrypting it. The decrypt data we call plain text.​
  3. Cryptography is used to protect e-mail messages, credit cards and other important information. It maintains the security and integrity of the data. 
  4. In today's era, very complex mathematical equations are used by cryptography to decrypt and encrypt data.​
  5. In cryptography, encryption and decryption are two processes.​
  6. In encryption, plain text is converted to cipher text. In decryption, cipher text is converted to plain text.​
  7.  ​ 


In cryptography, it is a process in which data or information is converted into secret codes called cipher text. Cipher text cannot be easily understood, only experts can understand it.​
   The original data or information that we have is called plain text and it is encrypted in cipher text.​
  1. The main purpose of this is to secure digital data or information (which transmit via internet).​
  2. To read encrypted data you must have a key so that you can decrypt it.​

Types of Encryption:
  1. Asymetric encryption (Public-key cryptography)​
  2. Symmetric encryption (private-key cryptography)​
Symmetric Key Cryptography:
  1. Symmetric key cryptography is cryptography in which the same key is used for encryption of plain text and decryption of cipher text.​
  2. In this type of cryptography, sender and receiver have the same key. Symmetric key cryptography is also known as private key cryptography.​

Asymmetric Key Cryptography:
  1. In asymmetric key cryptography two different keys are used to encrypt and decrypt the data. It has a public key which is known to everyone and another secret key that is known only to the receiver.​
  2. It is also called public key cryptography.
For example, if the couple sends a message to Lotus, they will use Lotus's public key to encrypt the message and then Kamal will decrypt that message with their private or secret key.​

The thing to see in asymmetric key cryptography is that only the public key is used to encrypt the message and only the secret key is used to decrypt the message.​

  1. Decryption is a process in which encrypted data is converted back to original data.                      ​
  2. The encrypted data is called cipher text and the original data is called plain text and the conversion of Cipher text to plain text is called Decryption. It also requires a key so that the data can be decrypt.​
Thanks & Regards
Abhishek Pathak


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