Reset Windows 10 Local Admin Password with Command Prompt

Step 1: Prepare a Windows 10 installation disk.

  • You must have Bootable Pen drive or DVD of Windows 10.

Step 2: Boot Computer Machine.

  • Boot your computer machine via bios.

Step 3: Replace Utility Manager via Command Prompt.

  • After the computer boots up, Windows Setup screen will appear. On the Windows Setup screen, press Shift + F10 keyboard shortcut and a Command Prompt window will open.
  • In the Command Prompt window, run the following two lines of commands, which will replace the Utility Manager on Windows 10 sign-in screen with Command Prompt. 
  • Note: Replace the C letter with your operating system drive letter and press Enter key after typing each command.
  • Note:  You can use diskpart & list volume command to check the partition in which installed the operating system.

move c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe c:\

copy c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe

Step 4: Restart Your Computer Machine.

  • After the two commands are executed successfully, remove the Windows 10 installation disk and restart the computer. You can restart the computer using the command "wpeutil reboot" or by shutting down the computer and then turning it on again.

Step 5: Open Command Prompt.

  • After computer restarts and comes to Windows 10 sign-in screen, click on the Ease of Access icon in the lower-right corner. This will bring up a Command Prompt window if the previous three steps went right.
Check User's Details:- net users
Break User's Password:- net users Abhishek King@123
Create A User:- net users Bharat King@123 /add
Delete A User:- net users Bharat /Del
Activate A User:- net users Bharat /active:yes
Deactivate A User:- net users Bharat /active:no

Step 6: Put Back the Utility Manager.

  • For your system safety, you'd better put back the Utility Manager after you finish resetting password for Windows 10 local admin account. If not, others who click on the Ease of Access icon will open the Command Prompt window and might change your password or make other changes to your system. In order to put back the Utility Manager, just need the steps as below:
  • Reboot your computer from the Windows 10 installation disk again.
  • When you reach the Windows Setup screen, press Shift + F10 to bring up Command Prompt window.
  • Run the command: copy c:\utilman.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe. When the message "Overwrite c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe? (Yes/No/All)" appears on the screen, type Yes and press Enter. That's it. Remove the Windows 10 installation disk, restart computer and everything is OK now.

Thanks & Regards
Abhishek Pathak

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