YUM Server Configuration in RHEL 8


  1. YUM is a tool for automating package maintenance for a network workstation running any operating system that use the RedHat Package Management (RPM). 
  2. YUM stand "Yellowdog Updater Modified"
  3. Yellow dog is a version of Linux for the Power Architecture hardware.
  4. YUM is an open-source GPL project and that many people have contributed code,ideas,bug fixes   and documentation. 
  5. YUM is a GNU Public Licence(GPL) tool. It's freely available and can be used modified or   redistributed without any fee.
Step-1) First of all you must link RHEL ISO or DVD into RHEL machine.

[root@localhost ~]# mount /dev/cdrom/ /mnt (Use for Physical Machine)
[root@localhost ~]# ll /run/media/root/RHEL-8-3-0-BaseOS-x86_64/ 
(Use for Virtual Machine)

Step-2) Verify the "vsftpd" service status in RHEL 8 machine.

[root@localhost ~]# service vsftpd status

Step-3) Run "vsftpd" service in RHEL 8 machine. 

[root@localhost ~]# rpm -ivh /run/media/root/RHEL-8-3-0-BaseOS-x86_64/AppStream/Packages/vsftpd-3.0.3-32.el8.x86_64.rpm 
[root@localhost ~]# cd /run/media/root/
[root@localhost root]# rpm -ivh RHEL-8-3-0-BaseOS-x86_64/AppStream/Packages/vsftpd-3.0.3-32.el8.x86_64.rpm 
[root@localhost ~]# cd /run/media/root/RHEL-8-3-0-BaseOS-x86_64/AppStream/Packages/
[root@localhost Package]# rpm -ivh vsftpd-3.0.3-32.el8.x86_64.rpm 

Step-4) Again check the status of "vsftpd".
[root@localhost ~]# service vsftpd status

Note:- vsftpd service has been installed but in deactivate condition.

Step-5) Start the service of "vsftpd".
[root@localhost ~]# service vsftpd start

Note:- You can stop the service if need. Use this syntax
[root@localhost ~]# service vsftpd stop

Step-6) After start the service of "vsftpd" again check the status.
[root@localhost ~]# service vsftpd status

Step-7) Now, create a directory in pub location.
[root@localhost ~]#mkdir /var/ftp/pub/abhishek
Note:- abhishek is a directory.

Step-8) Now, copy the all content of RHEL 8 ISO or DVD into abhishek directory.
[root@localhost ~]# cp -rvf /run/media/root/RHEL-8-3-0-BaseOS-x86_64/* /var/ftp/pub/abhishek

Step-9) Now,Create a repo file for YUM server
[root@localhost ~]# vim /etc/yum.repos.d/server.repo

Type this content in server.repo file


Note:- Press "i" to move in insert mode.

Note:- Press ":wq" for save & exit from file.

Step-10) Verify the package of httpd install or not.
[root@localhost ~]#rpm -qa | grep httpd*

Step-11) Install the package of httpd via yum 
[root@localhost ~]#yum install httpd*

Note:- Verify the httpd all package has been installed.

Step-12) Remove the package of httpd via yum 
[root@localhost ~]#yum remove httpd*

Note:- Verify the httpd all package has been removed.


  1. This content is very helpful to creat yum server in rhel 8


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